October 05, 2024 07:50

Pray With Bishop Brennan for a Shared Mission | Reze con el obispo Brennan por una misión compartida

Please read this message and watch this video from Bishop Brennan. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Shortly after my installation as Bishop of Brooklyn, as part of the Synod process, I had the opportunity to travel throughout the diocese and hear from many of you about your hopes and vision for our Church.  I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of energy, faith, and love demonstrated during these sessions.  This October, Pope Francis is asking each of us to pray that the commitment and excitement I witnessed continue to grow throughout the world.

Our Holy Father has asked us to join him in prayer for all Catholics to be part of "A Shared Mission."  Together, "We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.”

The Pope's Prayer Video team invited our Diocese’s own DeSales Media to co-produce the attached video, which will be distributed globally to portray our Holy Father's vision of a shared mission.

I invite you to join your prayers with Pope Francis, as I will, to ask the Holy Spirit to inspire the men and women of Brooklyn and Queens to live their faith more actively. May our prayers spark more participation among the faithful of our parish communities, creating a bold, joyful, and welcoming Church for all.

God Bless,

Most Reverend Robert J. Brennan
Bishop of Brooklyn