September 27, 2024 15:05

XXVI Sunday in Ordinary Time   /  XXVI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Dear Parishioners, 

 This coming week we celebrate the feast day of the Archangels. Before all the apostles and saints, these angels were given to us by God to guide and protect us throughout of lives and guide us closer to the love of God. For us as a parish September 29th is a day of great joy and honor to be named after the archangels, particularly Raphael to spread the gospel message of God. Michael, who is called to be like God, is the protector of God’s people. When we see an image of Michael, he is holding a sword and warding off the evil one from out lives. Gabriel, who is called God’s strength, is the messenger of God. Gabriel was chosen to bring the glorious message to our Blessed Mother about the birth of a son that will bring light into the world. May we hear the message of God so we can serve God and gain God’s strength. And finally our parish angel, Raphael (who is called God has healed), healing Tobit in the old testament. Gabriel is well know as the healer for God and we are fortunate that God love us greatly that he send Gabriel to heal the world that is filled with illness, and darkness. 

All the angels play an intrinsic role in our church and we as a parish gives thanks to God for sending them into our lives. Particularly we ask the intercession of Raphael to heal our and hearts and the world from physical illness and spiritual illness so that nothing hinders us from God’s love. Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, pray for us. 

 God Bless!   Fr. Kim

Prayer to Saint Raphael 
Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael,
prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for the gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide for those who travel by land, sea or air; comfort for the afflicted and refuge for sinners. I beg you: help me in all my needs and sufferings in this life, as you helped young Tobias in his pilgrimages. Because your name means "God heals" and you helped heal Tobit, I ask you to intercede for the healing of my soul and body. I ask you in particular for the grace of (mention intention), and for the grace of purity to be a worthy temple of the Holy Spirit. 